The laws in Oklahoma allow medical marijuana patients or registered caregivers to grow and possess six mature cannabis plants and six immature at once for personal use. However, to be considered an MMJ patient you have to possess a medical marijuana recommendation from a trusted clinic like 420 Doctors Oklahoma and a state licensed MMJ card.
Furthermore, growing cannabis at home is a bit different from commercial growing. Unlike a commercial grower, you do not need experience or expertise to grow cannabis for personal consumption.
Simply following through a well detailed guide like this one should be enough to help you grow your own cannabis at home.
Growing Cannabis at Home
Now, provided you manage to get the cannabis seeds, the following is the guide to how you can grow them and take care of them until they mature.
1. Seed Germination
The seeds need to be germinated first before planting. To germinate the seeds, you have to place them between a damp paper towel, place the towel in a plastic bag and zip it. Store the plastic in a warm place for about 2-4 days. You should be able to see a small white tail on the seeds within 5 days when you open the paper.
2. Planting Seed
You should then plant the seed after germinating it. Prefer using a potting soil mix that you can buy in an agric-store. The small tail should face down and sprinkle a little water on top of your seedlings.
3. Growth
You should place the potty planted seed in a place with light (direct or indirect) for about 3 to 5 days. You will start to notice small leaves germinating from the potty. After the leaves pop out, the plant needs more sunlight to help it mature before it starts flowering.
Bring the baby cannabis plant to sunlight or controlled indoor UV light for it to mature a little bit more before being transplanted. You let the baby mature sexually for about 3-4 weeks or even more before it starts to flower.
4. Transplant
You then have to transplant the baby into its final home. You have to add some bloom fertilizer for the plant to fully mature. After shifting the plant to the new home you have to monitor the sunlight. This is when you utilize the 12/12 routine. 12 hours sunlight and 12 hours darkness. This forces the plant to fully mature and to start producing flowers. You also have to be careful when watering to put the right amount of water.
Harvesting Cannabis at Home
Once your cannabis is ready for harvesting it starts showing signs. These signs include: yellow curly leaves, fat buds, and long amber trichomes. Harvesting is a simple four step process. Here are the four steps to harvest your cannabis:
1. Cutting and Drying
You have to cut the flowers from the buds of the cannabis plant and put them in a warm dark place for some time. Putting the flowers in a controlled room helps them to dry.
2. Trimming
Trimming is basically removing extra fan leaves and sugar leaves from the flower. Trimming can also be done to wet flowers but you will have to dry them after.
3. Curing
After trimming the dry flowers, you have to cure them. You put them in a jar for a while and store them in a conditioned room. This is done to enhance the flavor of the flower.
4. Storing
After curing the flowers they have to be stored for use.
With these steps you can grow your weed at home for personal use. Cannabis doesn’t take very long to grow, about eight to ten weeks of proper care. However, the conditions at which the cannabis grows may differ according to factors like strain, the soil you are growing them in and the tools you use.